Equity and access for all students.
I believe that quality education is a right for all children. I believe all children can learn at high levels if provided with the appropriate supports and instructional strategies to allow them to access and fully engage in the learning experiences implemented by their teachers. I believe that an educator should always be learning and growing in order to meet the learning needs of his/her students regardless of how much experience he/she may have as an educator. I value that there is no one right way to teach a concept or skill, but rather that teachers have a toolkit of strategies that they can pull from to meet the learning and/or socio-emotional needs of their students.
Beginning with the end in mind to improve student learning outcomes. Using strategic planning by evaluating the current state of student programming and goal-casting for the future. Determine the next steps to create an environment where equity and access exist for all students regardless of their zip code. Creating professional learning supports that equip both teachers and leaders to meet the evolving needs of their student population.
I also believe that the first teachers of students are their parents and caregivers because they play an important role in shaping the beliefs and values of young children. I offer webinars and online courses directly to parents and caregivers on topics related to embracing diversity in their homes. These courses will provide strategies and concrete actions that parents and caregivers can implement to foster values that support creating a socially just society for all people.
Founder: Terra Smith, Ed.D.
Professional Experience
I served as a high school social studies teacher from 2004 -2007 in which I taught all levels and various social studies courses in the Houston-area. In the middle of the 2007 school-year, I became an Assistant Principal in Houston ISD and continued in that role until 2012. In 2012 I was appointed to my first principalship of a middle school in Houston ISD. I decided to move to Fort Bend ISD in 2013 where I was an associate principal of a high school. In 2015 I moved into a central office leadership role. I served in various central office leadership roles for the last five years and a critical component for each role was providing support to teacher and leadership development district-wide.
Education and Credentials
I have been a student of education since 1999 when I was a first-year student at Trinity University in San Antonio and declared myself a History major. I graduated in May of 2003 with a Bachelor of Arts in History and a Minor in African American Studies. The following year I graduated a second time from Trinity University with a Master of Arts in Teaching in Secondary Education. Nearly 10 years later, in 2014, I completed my Doctorate of Education from the University of Houston in which I defended my dissertation on the need for school leaders to be instructional leaders in turnaround schools. In the State of Texas, I hold the following certifications: Social Studies Composite (8-12), Principal (K-12), and Superintendent. I am also a T-TESS certified appraiser through Region IV.
Curriculum Support
Curriculum provides the foundation for creating equitable learning experiences for all students. Is your department in need of assistance of writing or rewriting curriculum because of changing state standards or district programming? Are you concerned about making sure that the curriculum aligns with state standards and other district initiatives but not sure where to start? Does your curriculum provide support for special populations in meaningful ways? I can provide curriculum support in a variety of ways from unpacking standards to facilitating training on curriculum writing based on state standards and district initiatives.
Teacher Development
Teacher induction and development are key activities in retention of teachers in the school system. New teachers want to be fully prepared for the students they will teach, but often district on-boarding programs fall short due to time constraints and resources. Ensuring that your most vulnerable teachers are supported is critical in maintaining teacher morale and high teacher retention rates. In addition, professional learning that is strategically planned and meets the instructional needs of teachers will have significant impact on student learning outcomes overtime. I can provide a needs assessment tool to determine what specific teacher development supports are appropriate for the district to meet its desired goals.
Leadership Development
District leaders and school leaders are not only operational leaders, but also serve as instructional leaders. They are the lead learners for the staff they lead. However, not all leaders have the necessary instructional background to hold credibility with their instructional staff. It is critical to have credibility as an instructional leader as a school or district leader that is leading campus or district instructional programs.. As a former school and district leader, I can relate to any education leader because I have been in their shoes. I can provide job-embedded instructional leadership strategies that will build instructional leadership capacity in leaders and also build credibility with their staff. Utilizing an instructional leadership needs assessment tool we will collaborative develop an action plan on how to implement instructional leadership strategies to improve teaching and learning within their department or school.